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  • 🟠 S Corps, Asset vs Stock deals, and LOIs

🟠 S Corps, Asset vs Stock deals, and LOIs

Legal & structuring considerations when buying or selling your next company

The SMB Scoop will get a little legal today. Try to stay awake...some basic knowledge on this front can save you tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees when you buy or sell your next business.

1. Most small business owners who elect S corp status don't *really* understand what they're doing (most rely on their accountant's recommendation). Here's why they are very popular with small business owners (hint: $$$):

2. When you buy a company, you can either do a stock deal or an asset deal. Most small business transactions under $10,000,000 purchase price are asset deals - here's why you typically want to do an asset deal if you're a buyer:

3. Twelve basics of a Letter of Intent (sometimes called an LOI). This is the initial non-binding offer to buy a business.

Investors: Want to invest passively as an LP in cash flowing SMB deals? Accredited investors can apply for the Cash Flow SMB Investor List here.

SMB Acquirers: Have a deal under LOI and looking to raise capital? Reply to this email - send me info on your opportunity and I'll let you know if it is fit for distribution to the 350+ accredited investors on the Cash Flow SMB Investor List.

My current need: connecting with anyone who has operated or directly invested in: telecom, systems integrators, VARs, and managed service providers generally. Send me a reply to connect directly or if you have any connections in the space.

Ben Tiggelaar